Creation myth
Tale of Chaos and Harmony
Dakehn, the Original Language
Note: This is a prototype language and may be changed later,
along with the names used here.
Dakehn (dah-kehn) is the first language created by humans on Earth. These humans used animal sounds as the basis of their vowels and consonants, though they translated these sounds into ones that humans could mimic. Dakehn is spoken universally in Edenralm (ee-dehn-rahlm) and is most prevalent in Seentehr. An adapted version of Dakehn is spoken in the Land of Fire, Day Lantoo Veray (day lahn-too vee-ray).
As a minimalist language, Dakehn depends heavily on context. It is a verbal language instead of a written one, so speakers are required to interpret tone, emphasis, body language, and facial expression. Compared to other languages, the alphabet and vocabulary of Dakehn is much more limited. However, this makes it one of the easiest languages to learn, and it has its own sign language called Fenjer-Da (feen-jehr dah).
The Dakehn alphabet is a simplified version of the English one and there are only thirteen letters.
[ A T S D E F J K L M O R N ]
A is always pronounced as AH and is a neutral vowel.
T always replaces B.
S always replaces C, X, and Z.
D always replaces P.
E always replaces I and replaces Y at the end of a word.
E is either pronounced as EE (hard vowel) or EH (soft vowel).
F always replaces V.
J always replaces G.
J is always pronounced as a soft J, so it sounds more like a SH sound.
K always replaces Q.
M only replaces N at the start or middle of a word.
N only replaces M at the end of a word.
If a word only has one M or N, it becomes or remains an N.
O always replaces U.
O is either pronounced as OH (hard vowel) or OOH (soft vowel).
Because it is a minimalist language, many words in English do not exist in Dakehn. Words that describe or refer to things are not a part of Dakehn. Some examples would be a, and, is, the, and this.
"The quick brown fox jumps over a very lazy dog." Example sentence in English.
"Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog." This is the same sentence in Dakehn, since there are no words for the and a. There are no adverbs either, so very does not exist either. Adverbs are implied through emphasis in one's voice.
Unlike other languages, Dakehn has no synonyms. There are not multiple words for fast like quick and speedy; only the basic form of the word is used in Dakehn, which definitely limits its vocabulary.
"Quick brown fox jumps over lazy dog." Example sentence in English.
"Fast brown fox jumps over lazy dog." This is the same sentence in Dakehn, after changing quick to fast.
Dakehn also has no verb tenses. All words are used in their natural forms and are not modified to suggest the past, present, or future tenses. This is partially because Dakehn is a minimalist language, and partially done for religious reasons.
"Quick brown fox jumped over lazy dog." Past tense.
"Fast brown fox jumps over lazy dog." Present tense.
"Fast brown fox will jump over lazy dog." Future tense.
"Fast brown fox jump over lazy dog." This is the sentence in Dakehn, with no verb tenses. It sounds a bit like stereotypical 'caveman speak', but it is the natural way of communicating for Dakehn speakers.
In Dakehn syntax, the most important part of a sentence comes first (which depends on what the speaker thinks is most important). For example, the names of people being addressed always come first, and to do otherwise is considered rude.
"Fast brown fox jump over lazy dog." Normal syntax.
"Fox fast brown jump over dog lazy." Dakehn syntax.
The two main subjects are the fox and the dog. As the one acting in this situation, the fox is listed first as the most important subject. The second most important subject is the fox being fast, since it relates to jumping over the dog. The least important subject is the fox being brown, since it does not relate to jumping over the dog.
In the second part of the sentence, the dog comes first because it is the most important subject in the second part of this sentence. The least important subject is the dog being lazy. Even though it might relate to why the fox is jumping over the dog, the main subject is still the dog itself and not whether the dog is lazy or not.
Words in Dakehn should be pronounced in a hard-soft vowel combination. Each sentence starts with a soft vowel, followed by a hard vowel, and the pattern repeats; neutral vowels do not count. This means that the pronunciation of each word changes with the order of the words, which is one of the main reasons Dakehn is only a verbal language.
"Fox fast brown jump over dog lazy." Dakehn sentence with English spelling.
"Fos fast tron jond ofer doj lase." Dakehn sentence with Dakehn spelling.
"Fohs fahst troon johnd oofeer dooj lahseh." Dakehn sentence with Dakehn spelling and pronunciation. This sentence pattern is hard / neutral / soft / hard / soft-hard / soft / neutral-soft.
Finally, there are no pronouns in this language. Dakehn has no words for they, she, he, I, me, my, you, yours, and our. This does not mean that the concepts of gender and the self do not exist. Instead of using pronouns, Dakehn speakers use the name of that person, place, or thing. Basically, Dakehn requires you to always speak in third-person. (However, since that might be awkward for some readers, the English dialogue will have pronouns.)
"I love that man. He's great." Sentence in English.
"Man, love. Man good." Sentence in Dakehn. Notice how man is being treated as a name here, so it comes first in both sentences. Since there is no word for I or that, the speaker would place a hand on their heart and extend it outwards, to imply that they are the one loving the man. If they were saying that the man loved them, it would be the same gesture in reverse; the hand would be extended outward, then drawn towards the person's heart.
Instead of saying great, the speaker would put emphasis on the word good to imply the same meaning.
Names have a few different rules in Dakehn. They are seen as special reflection of one's identity, so someone can decide what vowel combination they would like to have. This is another reason why putting names in the sentence first is important; putting names anywhere else would change the pronunciation of that name, which is an insult to that person or place. To non-Dakehn speakers, this can make sentences sound awkward. "Edenralm, go to," is the Dakehn way of saying "I am going to Edenralm."
Most names are abbreviated forms of longer words or phrases. Abbreviation, in Dakehn, is done by separating each vowel sound and keeping consonants together. For example, Edenralm is an abbreviation for Hidden Realm. In Dakehn spelling, Hidden Realm is spelled as Eden Realm. The main differences are that there is no H, the E becomes an I, and the second D is taken out because Dakehn does not have double letters.
Eden Realm is split into its vowels and consonants, making it Ee-d-eh-n R-ee-ah-lm. When there are two vowels next to each other, Dakehn speakers will usually get rid of one vowel. In this case, EE and EH are separated by D, but EE and AH are right next to each other. Since there is already an EE in the first word, the EE in the second word is taken out. The final words, in Dakehn spelling, are Eden Ralm, which make Edenralm when put together.
The Guardian's name is spelled as Joardean, but she goes by Jodehn (joh-dehn).
As the Guardian, only she is allowed to have a name that starts with J.
Unlike the others, her English name is intentionally one word. Names are meant to describe one's identity, but the Guardian's identity is strictly limited to being the Guardian. It is a symbol of her status.
Jodehn eliminates AH and R from her name. This makes it easier to pronounce and shortens the number of syllables, which indicates her important status. Plus, AH is a neutral vowel sound that can easily be gotten rid of. OH is a hard vowel sound and EH is a soft vowel sound; having both in her name portrays her as someone who has a balanced personality.
Life's name is spelled as Sreate Lefe, but she goes by Setehle (see-teh-lee).
Her English name is Create Life. Similar to Jodehn, Setehle's identity is limited to her role as a goddess; her name reflects her role in the creation of life on Earth. Just like Jodehn, her name is a symbol of her status.
Setehle eliminates R and AH from her first name (Sreate), and F from her last name (Lefe). This makes it easier to pronounce and shortens the number of syllables, which is a status symbol. Having one syllable more than Jodehn's name confirms that her rank is slightly lower.
Setehle's name has two hard vowels and one soft vowel; this implies she has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more aggressive or strict.
Death's name is spelled as Destroe Lefe, but he goes by Dehstro (deh-stroh).
His English name is Destroy Life. Dehstro's identity is limited to his role as a god; his name reflects his role in the death of Setehle's creations. He does have the same number of syllables as Jodehn does, but this does not mean he has a higher rank. It only means that an exception was made (mostly because no one wants to deal with Dehstro).
Dehstro eliminates EE from his first name (Destroe) and gets rid of his last name entirely (Lefe) because he does not want his identity to be connected to Setehle.
Dehstro's name starts with a soft vowel and has no hard vowels; this implies he has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more passive or unconventional.
Harmony's name is spelled as Ked Armone, but he goes by Kedarnoo (keh-dahr-noo).
His English name is Keep Harmony. Kedarnoo's identity is limited to his role as a god; his name reflects his role in keeping the peace between all living beings. His name is a symbol of his status.
Kedarnoo eliminates M and OH from his last name (Armone). This makes it easier to pronounce and shortens the number of syllables, which is a status symbol. Having one syllable more than Jodehn's name confirms that his rank is slightly lower.
Kedarnoo's name has two soft vowels, one neutral vowel, and no hard vowels. This implies that he has a somewhat balanced personality, but one that might be more passive or unconventional.
Chaos' name is spelled as Kaose Kaos, but he goes by Kaos (kah-ohs).
His English name is Cause Chaos. However, this name is not meant to reflect Kaos' role as a god, since that role is still undetermined. Instead, his name reflects how Kaos tends to accidentally cause trouble, or at least feel like he does. He has the same number of syllables as Jodehn, but it does not mean he has a higher rank. Similar to Dehstro, an exception was made with Kaos. When he joined the deities, Jodehn let him keep the name he received on Earth.
Kaos gets rid of his first name entirely and deviates from Dakehn pronunciation. It should actually be Saos, but his name was said differently on Earth. Since Dakehn is a verbal language, it simply depends on how Kaos pronounces his name
Kaos' name has one neutral vowel, one hard vowel, and no soft vowels. This implies that he has a somewhat balanced personality, but one that might be more aggressive or strict (which is ironic, since Kaos is the opposite of both).
Kaos' name is the hardest for Dakehn speakers to pronounce because of the two vowels next to each other. Vowels are usually separated by consonants in Dakehn, which makes Kaos' name difficult for most deities. Some choose to call him Kas (kahs) or Kos (kohs) for convenience.
Darkness' name is spelled as Kend Jentle Sado, but they go by Kejeenso (keh-sheen-soh).
Their English name is Kind Gentle Shadow. Unlike Jodehn and some of the other Keepers, Kejeenso can use their name to reflect more on their personality and less on their role as a deity. Kejeenso still has Shadow as a last name because of their role as an Element, but their first and middle names are what they describe themselves as.
Kejeenso eliminates N and D from their first name (Kend), T, L, and E from their middle name (Jentle), and S, A, and D from their last name (Sado). Kejeenso is allowed three syllables because they are the same rank as Setehle and Kedarnoo.
Kejeenso's name has one soft vowel, two hard vowels, and no neutral vowels. This implies that they have a less balanced personality, and one that might be more aggressive or strict. Oddly enough, this is a direct contradiction with what Kejeenso's name implies. It is Kejeenso's way of implying that their true thoughts and feelings differ from what they express.
Light's name is spelled as Are Lejt Mend, but they go by Ahreleme (ah-ree-leh-mee).
Their English name is Aware Light Mind. Ahreleme's name is unique because most names for Elements are two adjectives preceding a noun, yet theirs has a noun in the middle. This is because Ahreleme uses their middle name (Light) to describe their last name (Mind); it is a pun on the word enlightenment. Their first name is to describe their personality as a whole, since Ahreleme considers themselves very philosophical and self-aware.
Ahreleme eliminates J and T from their middle name (Lejt), N and D from their last name (Mend), and uses their full first name (Are). Although Ahreleme has more syllables than Kejenso, they are the same rank. Ahreleme is usually a stickler for the rules, but is willing to defy them just to make sure their name is accurate. Most deities actually call them Ahrele out of habit, since their name should be three syllables to indicate rank. It is one of Ahreleme's many pet peeves.
Ahreleme has two hard vowels, one neutral vowel, and one soft vowel. This implies that they have a somewhat balanced personality, but one that might be more aggressive or strict.
Fire's name is spelled as Danjeros Danse Flanes, but she goes by Danjeedaseh (dahn-shee-dah-seh).
Deities with names over three syllables usually go by nicknames, so she goes by Danjee too (dahn-shee). Nicknames are used between friends and in casual conversations. In official business, full names are used to indicate rank; the amount of syllables in Danjee's name shows that she is ranked slightly lower than Kejeenso.
Her English name is Dangerous Dance Flame. Not only is this an allusion to Fire's role in the mythology, but an indicator of her personality. She is aware of how abrasive she can be and uses her first name (Dangerous) as a warning to others. Her middle name (Dance) shows her love for dancing, and her last name (Flame) is just to represent to her element.
Danjee eliminates R, OOH, and S from her first name (Danjeros), N from her middle name (Danse), and F, L, AH, N, and S from her last name (Flanes). Danjee does not use most of her last name because she knows her element is obvious. Her hair is literally fire.
Danjee has one hard vowel, one soft vowel, and two neutral vowels in her full name. This implies that she has a mysterious personality because the amount of neutral vowels is the same as the hard and soft vowels. Again, this is an intentional choice, partly because Danjee feels like her full name already says enough about her.
Air's name is spelled as Mesefos Fre End Jost, but they go by Mehfosfrenjoo (meh-fohs-frehn-shoo).
Their nickname is Mehjoo (meh-shoo). The number of syllables in their full name shows they are the same rank as Danjee
Their English name is Mischievous Free Wind Gust. Mehjoo uses their first name (Mischievous) to describe their personality and their middle name (Free) both describes their personality and alludes to Air's role in the mythology. Their last name (Wind Gust) is actually two names because part of Mehjoo's element is the wind.
Mehjoo eliminates S, and EH from their first name (Mesefos), EE and D from their middle name (Fre), and E, D, S, and T from their last name (End Jost).
Mehjoo has all soft vowels in their full name. This implies that they have a less balanced personality and one that may be more passive or unconventional. Unconventional would definitely fit Mehjoo, though having only soft vowels is more of an aesthetic choice than a personality indicator. They like to stim with soft vowel sounds.
Rock's name is spelled as Stronj Self Stel Rosk, but he goes by Stohneelsteerohsk (stoh-neel-stee-rohsk).
His nickname is Stoneel (stoh-neel). As shown by the number of syllables, he is the same rank as Danjee and Mehjoo.
His English name is Strong Self Still Rock. Stoneel's first and middle names are meant to describe his personality, or at least what he wants his personality to be like. In this case, his middle names (Self and Still) describe him as independent and unmovable, even though he tends to be the opposite. His last name (Rock) is just to represent his element.
Stoneel eliminates R and J from his first name (Stonj), S, F, and L from his middle names (Self Stel), and uses his full last name (Rosk). Stoneel uses his full last name because he feels that his element is a central part of his identity.
Stoneel is the opposite of Mehjoo and has all hard vowels in his full name. This implies that he has a less balanced personality and one that may be more aggressive or strict. Though his vowel choice does not fit his personality, it is definitely what Stoneel aspires to be.
Water's name is spelled as Emtense Daseon Oresane, but she goes by Etehdonorees (ee-teh-dohn-oh-rees).
Her nickname is Etehdon (ee-teh-dohn). As shown by the number of syllables, she is ranked slightly lower than the others.
Her English name is Intense Passion Hurricane. Each part of Etehdon's name describes her personality; she is intense, passionate, and can be thought of as a hurricane of emotion.
Etehdon eliminates M, N, S, and EE from her first name (Emtense), AH, S, and E from her middle name (Daseon), and AH, N, and EH from her last name (Oresane).
Etehdon has one soft vowel and four hard vowels in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality and one that may be more aggressive or strict. Etehdon's vowel choice definitely fits her extreme character.
Etehdon is genderfluid and has alternating pronouns. His male name is usually just Tehdon.
Curiosity's name is spelled as Emfemteon Destrasteon Soreosete, but she goes by Metehnsa (mee-tehn-sah).
Her English name is Invention Distraction Curiosity. As shown by the number of syllables, she is the same rank as Kejeenso and Ahreleme, even though she is not a Keeper. Each part of Metehnsa's name describes her personality and her profession. Her first name (Invention) refers to her job as an inventor and engineer, which is actually what earns her the same rank as Kejeenso and Ahreleme. Her middle name (Distraction) refers to her tendency to get distracted a lot; Metehnsa feels like this is a core part of her personality, because she always has to be doing something. Her last name (Curiosity) simply represents what Emotion she is.
Metehnsa only keeps M, T, and E from her first name (Emfemteon), EE, S, and AH from her middle name, and does not use her last name at all. Like Danjee, Metehnsa believes her Emotion is obvious and does not need to be in her name.
Metehnsa has one hard vowel, one soft vowel, and one neutral vowel in her full name. This implies that she has a balanced personality, since there is the same number of each vowel. The order is important as well; because the hard vowel comes first and the soft vowel second, it implies that Metehnsa is more traditional than unconventional.
Fear's name is spelled as Detefol Teror Fear, but they go by Detefahr (deh-teh-fahr).
Their English name is Pitiful Terror Fear. As shown by the number of syllables, they are the same rank as Metehnsa. Like Mostoo, Detefahr was not entirely sure what to use for their names, so they went with what they think describes their personality and Emotion best. Out of all of the deities, Detefahr is one of the few with a self-deprecating name.
Detefahr uses D and EH from their first name (Detefol), T, and EH from their middle name (Teror) and F, AH, and R from their last name (Fear).
Detefahr has has two soft vowels and one neutral vowel in their name. This implies that they have a less balanced personality, and one that might be more passive or unconventional. Passive definitely applies to Detefahr.
Detefahr is genderfluid, but they have a hard time telling others when they change their name and pronouns. Usually Metehnsa and Adeenehs are the only ones to know.
Happiness' name is spelled as Smele Sare Adenes, but he goes by Adeenehs (ah-dee-nehs).
His English name is Smile Share Happiness. As shown by the number of syllables, Adeenehs is the same rank as Metehnsa and Detefahr. His name not only describes his personality and his affinity for smiling a lot, but his middle name (Share) refers to how he loves making others happy.
Adeenehs does not use his first or middle name in his full name. He feels that his last name is the best descriptor.
Adeenehs has one hard vowel and one soft vowel. This implies that he has a balanced personality.
Misery's name is spelled as Loeal Artestes Frend, but she goes by Loolareeree (loo-lah-ree-ree).
Her nickname is Loolaree (loo-lah-ree). As shown by the number of syllables, Loolaree is a lower rank than Metehnsa, Detefahr, and Adeenehs.
Her English name is Loyal Artistic Friend. Her names describe what she considers positive aspects of her personality, since she does not want to scare people off with her actual Emotion.
Loolaree uses L and OOH from her first name (Loeal), A, R, and EE from her middle name (Artistic), and R and EE from her last name (Frend).
Loolaree has one soft vowel and two hard vowels in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that may be more aggressive or strict.
Anger's name is spelled as Sdomtaneos Raje, but she goes by Donajee (doh-nah-shee).
Her English name is Spontaneous Rage. As shown by the number of syllables, Donajee is the same rank as Metehnsa, Detefahr, and Adeenehs. Her names bluntly describe her Emotion and the anger issues she struggles with.
Donajee uses D, OH, M, and AH from her first name (Sdomtaneos), and J and EE from her last name (Raje).
Donajee has two hard vowels and one neutral vowel in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that may be more aggressive or strict.
Donajee is aware of how similar her name is to Danjee. It pisses her off, but she refuses to change it.
Love's name is spelled as Omderstamdenj Lofe, but they go by Omdarfeh (ohm-dahr-feh).
Their English name is Understanding Love. As shown by the number of syllables, Omdarfeh is the same rank as Metehnsa, Detefahr, Adeenehs, and Donajee. Omdarfeh's first name describes their personality (Understanding) and their last name describes their Emotion (Love).
Omdarfeh uses OH, M, D, AH, and R from their first name (Omderstamdenj) and F and EH from their last name (Lofe).
Omdarfeh has one hard vowel, one neutral vowel, and one soft vowel in their full name. This implies that they have a balanced personality.
Arrogance's name is Modest Master Eferetenj, but they go by Modemastereferete (mohd-deh-mahs-teer-reh-fee-reh-tee).
Their nickname is Modehma (moh-deh-mah). As shown by the number of syllables, they are ranked lower than the other Humanities, and all of the other deities too.
Their English name is Modest Master Everything, which is supposed to mean Modest Master of Everything. Modehma contradicts their personality with their first name (Modest), blatantly lies about mastering their powers in their middle name (Master), and definitely lies about being the master of everything in their last name (Everything). This act alone earned Modehma the longest name of all the deities because of how taboo it is to lie about being a master.
In their full name, Modehma eliminates S and T from their first name (Modest), keeps their full middle name (Master), and eliminates N and J from their last name (Eferetenj).
Modehma has four hard vowels, one neutral vowel, and three soft vowels in their full name. This implies that they have a less balanced personality, and one that might be more aggressive or strict.
Modehma's name is intentionally similar to Metehnsa, since the two of them are like siblings.
Envy's name is spelled as Meseratle Oseles Desere, but she goes by Mehsetooledereh (meh-seh-too-leh-deh-reh).
Her nickname is Mehsetoo (meh-seh-too). As shown by the number of syllables, she is ranked lower than Reemona and a few of the other Humanities.
Her English name is Miserable Useless Desire. Like Detefahr, Mehsetoo's names are self-depreciating and what she considers to be most accurate.
Mehsetoo uses M, EH, S, and T from her first name (Meseratle), OOH, L, and EH from her middle name (Oseles), and D, EH, and R from her last name (Desere).
Mehsetoo only has soft vowels in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more passive or unconventional.
Avarice's name is spelled as Selfes Sdoeled Afarese, but she goes by Seefehdoleeahfah (see-feh-doh-lee-ah-fah).
Her nickname is Doleefa (doh-lee-fah). As shown by the number of syllables, she is the same rank as Mehsetoo.
Her English name is Selfish Spoiled Avarice. Doleefa is proud of her Humanity and has no trouble flaunting it.
Doleefa uses S, EE, F, and EH from her first name (Selfes), D, OH, L, and EE from her middle name (Sdoeled), and AH and F from her last name (Afarese).
Dooleefa has three hard vowels, two neutral vowels, and one soft vowel in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more aggressive or strict.
Indolence's name is spelled Emdolense (eem-doo-leen-seh) and that is what they go by.
Their nickname is Sehdoo (seh-doo). As shown by the number of syllables, they are the same rank as Danjee, Mehjoo, and Stoneel.
Sehdoo's English name is just Indolence. They could not be bothered to come up with anything else.
Sehdoo has two hard vowels and two soft vowels in their full name, which implies they have a balanced personality. No one knows if this was an intentional choice or if Sehdoo was too lazy to put some thought into it.
Ignorance's name is spelled as Kend Feskle Ejmoranse, but she goes by Kendfelejooranee (kehnd-feh-leh-joo-rah-nee).
Her nickname is Kendfele (kehnd-feh-lee). As shown by the number of syllables, she is the same rank as Mehsetoo.
Her English name is Kind Fickle Ignorance. Kendfele's first name (Kind) implies that she has good intentions, her middle name (Fickle) implies that she changes opinions frequently, and her last name represents her Humanity.
In her full name, Kendfele uses her full first name (Kend), F, EH, and L from her middle name (Feskle), and J, OOH, R, AH, N, S, and EE from her last name (Ejmoranse).
Kendfele has four soft vowels, one hard vowel, and one neutral vowel in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more passive or unconventional.
Violence's name is spelled as Tlod Desere Feolense, but he goes by Tohdeefeelee (toh-dee-fee-lee).
His nickname is Tohdee (toh-dee). As shown by the number of syllables, he is the same rank as Sehdoo.
His English name is Blood Desire Violence. Tohdee's name reflects his desire for violence and represents his Humanity.
In his full name, Tohdee uses T and OH from his first name (Tlod), D and EE from his middle name (Desere), and F, L, and EE from his last name (Feolense).
Tohdee only has hard vowels in his full name. This implies that he has a less balanced personality, and one that might be more aggressive or strict.
Spring's name is spelled as Reterf Mon And Floer, but he goes by Reemonaflooehr (ree-mohn-ah-floo-ehr).
His nickname is Reemona (ree-mohn-ah). As shown by the number of syllables, he is ranked lower than the other Seasons, mostly because he is new to Edenralm and has not mastered his powers yet.
His English name is Rebirth Moon Hand Flower. Reemona's name is unique because none of it really describes his personality. He is an exception to the rule because he was not actually created by Jodehn, but he was not living on Earth like Kaos was. Reemona is considered a reincarnation of the first Spring, hence why his first name is Rebirth. His middle names (Moon Hand) allude to the human's myth of Spring's creation, and his last name (Flower) refers to his Season.
In his full name, Reemona uses R, and EE from his first name (Reterf), all of his first middle name (Mon), AH and N from his second middle name (And), and his entire last name (Floer).
Reemona has two hard vowels and two soft vowels in his full name. This implies that he has a balanced personality, and the order of hard and soft vowels suggests he relies on tradition. However, Jodehn was the one who picked his name, so these choices do not necessarily reflect Reemona's true personality.
Summer's name is spelled as Stronj Saren Son Rae, but she goes by Strosahsooreh (stroh-sah-soo-ray).
Her nickname is Sareh (sah-ray). As shown by the number of syllables, she is the same rank as Danjee, Mehjoo, Stoneel, Ahdo, and Mostoo.
Her English name is Strong Caring Sun Ray. Sareh's first name (Strong) and first middle name (Caring) both refer to her personality. Her second middle name (Sun) and her last name (Ray) both refer to her Season.
In her full name, Sareh uses S, T, R, and OH from her first name (Stronj), S, and AH from her first middle name (Saren), S, and OOH from her second middle name (Son), and R, and EH from her last name (Rae).
Sareh has one hard vowel, one neutral vowel, and two soft vowels in her full name. This implies that she has a less balanced personality, and one that may be more passive or unconventional.
Autumn's name is spelled as Aotentes Dolete Torn Tre, but he goes by Ahdototreh (ah-doh-toh-treh).
His nickname is Ahdo (ah-doh). As shown by the number of syllables, he is the same rank as Danjee, Mehjoo, Stoneel, Sareh, and Mostoo.
His English name is Authentic Polite Burn Tree. Ahdo's first name used to be Serious (Sereos), but he changed it to Authentic as a subtle insult to Reemona, who Ahdo considers a fake Spring. Ironically, his middle name refers to how polite Ahdo is (Reemona is an exception). Ahdo's second middle name (Burn) and last name (Tree) allude to the human's myth of Autumn's creation.
In his full name, Ahdo uses AH from his first name (Aotentes), D, OH, and T from both middle names (Dolete Torn), and T, R, and EH from his last name (Tre).
Ahdo has two hard vowels, one soft vowel, and one neutral vowel in his full name. This implies that he has a somewhat balanced personality, but one that may be more aggressive or strict. In Ahdo's case, both can apply.
Winter's name is spelled as Dersedtefe Sno Storm, but she goes by Deersehsnostoor (deer-seh-snohs-stoor).
Her nickname is Mostoo (moh-stoo). As shown by the number of syllables, she is the same rank as Danjee, Mehjoo, Stoneel, Ahdo, and Sareh.
Her English name is Perceptive Snow Storm. Mostoo had trouble deciding what to use for her full names, so she stuck to one personality trait (Perceptive) and used her middle and last name to represent her Season.
In her full name, Mostoo uses D, EE, R, S, and EH from her first name (Dersedtefe), her entire middle name (Sno), and S, T, OO, and R from her last name (Storm).
Mostoo has two hard vowels and two soft vowels in her full name, which implies that she has a balanced personality.